Top 5 No. 6

Top 5 No. 6

Top 5 No. 6

After another short hiatus from the top 5 lists, today we're going to touch a subject very close to myself; since soon I'm moving, to go to university and currently I'm living on a beach as I have my whole life, I present on to you:
top five things I'm going to miss when moving to a big city

Number 5:

This one is a simple no brainer, what is the first thing for one to miss when moving away from the beach? the beach itself, the simplicity of leaving ones house and going out, to sit under the sun, maybe with a little bit of shade, with a nice cold refreshing drink to relax and listen to the passing waves.

Number 4:

Another simple comodity (and it is a real comodity in this day and age) is the sheer fact that is quiet, one here living near a beach takes it for granted but it's a luxury that one doesn't have so simply when living in a big city

Number 3:

Have you any idea of the joy that is being able to walk down the street, without the fear of possible threat, the ability to trust in whom sorrounds you (because chances are either they are on vacation or you know the person), to take your dear, sweet time and be at your own pace? chances are if you live in a big city that's almost impossible.

Number 2:

Another one of these great comodities usually taken for granted, space; Better stated, the lack of crowds, of lines of people everywhere, the ability to exist in your own space at all times only being invaded by those whom you wish to, not those who require the same space as you do.

Number 1:

First and foremost, definately above everything else I might even begin to ponder missing from the beach, the seafood; This runs in my blood, I've lived near a beach my whole life, my father has as well, my mother escaped her native country to flee to these warmer climates and better tasting food. Your filet mignon may be delicious, but it will never compare to a simple dish of ceviche.

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