Tales 24

Tales of one with time: Entry No. 24

Hello again, after nearly a week of not being around... speaking of which, that is what brought upon the inspiration for the subject of todays blog: Vacations and taking time of, subject that was thought of before the notices that was posted a little while ago.

So, during the past 6 days, I have not posted anything and why might that be? I decided to take an impromptu few days of vacation; During this time, I didn't go to the gym, I didn't write or even think of writing any posts, my homework was postponed and I dedicated myself to playing minecraft with a few friends (they usually come to the same gym as I do, but without their daddy, they don't get the motivation to go).

As most of you might know, it's nice to break the rutine sometimes, and I don't even mean you have to go out and do things you never do to the extreme, you don't have to say, jump off of planes and land in a very specific place of the ocean sorrounded by sharks with lasers in their eyes, it's sometimes nice to just rest and really shove all responsability aside.

1 comentario:

  1. Hmm are you still on vacations mode? or your life is less interesting?
    please, post something soon
